Hartley Chiropractic has been treating patients since June 2009 and with the recent move to Dr. Klingensmiths office we look to expand and continue our services in Yeagertown. Once again I can't thank Dr. Klingensmith enough for his kindness in opening his office to me. I also thank all patients for their trust over the years and I will continue to work hard to provide the best care possible. Appointments can still be made by calling or texting 717-667-6640.
I will be working with a new massage therapist at Dr. Klingensmiths office. For appointments contact Nicole directly.
Nicole Kline, LMT
Our chiropractic staff:

Dr. Chris Hartley
Dr. Chris M. Harltey grew up in Lewistown, PA and was a 1995 graduate of Indian Valley High School. He graduated from Lock Haven University in 1999 with a Bachleors Degree in Biology, then graduated with a doctorate in Chiropractic in 2003 as Salutatorian with certificates in clinical anatomy, radiology, and rehabilitation.